
vertell dunham

“That’s what happens when you’re diligent and you’re positive,” he shares, “people see it.”

Having his own space gives Vertell the freedom to follow his passions— one of them is teas. “I love my teas,” he says, “green tea, black tea, sassafras, golden seal. I go to Canal Street once a week [to purchase them]. I look at myself as an herbalist.”

For justice-involved individuals like Vertell, it is extremely challenging securing permanent housing options. As Vertell notes, without an organization like Fortune “it’s almost impossible.” Our services provided Vertell with a path to a productive reentry, while his own hard work and positivity allowed him to create a new, happy life from it.

Now, he enjoys his home with his fiance, and thrives in his job with the NYC Parks Department. “The job itself is good,” he says, “I went in there as an [entry-level employee]. Now, I’m a substitute [supervisor].” His success can also be credited to his outlook on life, which we can’t help but admire. We’re thrilled to be a part of his journey, and the journeys of other formerly incarcerated individuals. Their justice involvement does not have to define them, or limit their potential.”

text by David Leon Morgan